More about Time

There are some more things about the concept of time that I would like to mention.

1) The way my brain understands time make it difficult to estimate time backwards. An example is when a doctor asks for how long time I have had a certain symtom. It is almost impossible for me to answer but as I have understood that is a critical aspect in these situations I give an answer that seems close to making sense. Since I don´t feel good about not telling the truth I have a default phrase that I include this answer in; “Difficult to say, but maybe X-XX days/weeks/months/years”.

In my unmasking process I will now start practicing saying the truth, that this is basically impossible for me to estimate, because of both time and bodily sensations being difficult for me to grasp. So they will need to try to get the information they need in other ways. I think the present should be more important than the past anyway.

2) To conceptualize the future is rather difficult for me, which makes me really dislike the question “Where do you see yourself in 10 years?”. That question gives me the chills. I assume this difficulty has to do with more aspects than time, but for whatever the reason, I cannot see why that question is of interest at all. Is there truly any important meaning to it? If the answer to that question is “yes, it gives a view of the individual´s ambitions in life”; Shouldn´t it be more important to understand the person where they are right now, which basically tells the only truth. There should be better parameters to use, in e.g. job interviews, than a guess of what will come in life (which none of us know anything about).

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