Time is a weird, annoying and complex thing that occupies my thoughts a lot from different angles.
1) Primarily I think we have created a culture that has an overall destructive relationship to time. There is an expectation to fill the 24 hour of a day with as much as possible and we look into strategies to make everything as efficient as possible, to even fit more into this time frame. I think this is an excellent example of norms/ culture becoming unhealthy. The people who more explicitly need or want to create (or who already have) another relationship to time are seen as non-normative/ ill/ disabled etc (freely pick any descriptions that involves that you are “wrong”). I think it is very human, logical and healthy to have a more soft relationship to time, so hopefully these norms can change, as also the majority start becoming more aware of challenges to manage life expectations (even though they often don´t seem to understand the relation betweeen the norms and their issues).
2) Secondly my brain is wired to not really grasp the concept of time, at least not automatically. I always need to actively keep track of and understanding time, which (ofcourse) is not sustainable when life is put in relation to the norms described above. It is extremely tiring to, more or less constantly, do this excercise. If I relax too much or get into hyper focus mode, then I easily lose time. It just disappears (somewhere into the galaxy, which is weird in itself…). My brain also has difficulties with matching 2 time points to eachother. This, as an example, leads to an extra effort needed to plan for when to leave to be somewhere at a certain time. It is not about the intellectual part of understanding that it takes about 1 hour to go from my home to the office, but how to relate the goal time 9.30 to the start time 8.30. If this doesn´t make sense to you, it is perfectly fine. Then it is an even better example of how confusing the concept of time is for me, and many others.
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